Posted by:
at Sat Oct 24 15:40:15 2009 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by CSRAJim ]
My sentiments exactly...The fix appears to be in the works from the foundation they appear to be establishing ahead of the results of the "experiment" at SREL...Once the "results" are in, it will simply be a matter of touting the "consesus of science" to the DOT-ORGS and the selected media outlets (press releases) and The Orlando Slantinel, NY Times, Huffington Post, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS, etc, and it will be of to the races to be the first to report the "news"...Followed by the inevitable "polls" after the deluge of "fear mongered propaganda" to scare parents (for the children)...Then there will be the tax-payer funded "experts" before Congress and we'll have a tailor made "agenda" shoved down our collective throats...
In the end, we will loose another one of our freedoms (commerce clause via interstate trade) and they'll use this legislation to go after the next target industry using this "victory" as the template for the assault...Just as they did with the ESA, NEPA, Clear Air Act, Clean Water Act, Lacey Act, etc...
As with the Brown Tree Snake on Guam, they NEVER SOLVE THE PROBLEM, rather they ID a problem for a government solution, which means a program (and everything associated with it) that never ends because this is about the public (government) control of the means of production, distribution and exchange of goods, services and commodities for the equitable "share" for all...
In this case, this is a low fruit example (easy to scare people about giant snakes) for only a small segment of our commercial society (animal/plant industry) but the lesson of history regarding ALL socialist governments is that they start small...Gradually over time, they'll get around to the rest of society under the guise of some form industry "nationalization" to "protect" it...In other words the exchange of freedom for government security
The day is never done for a socialist...LOL!
Later, Jim. ----- CSRAJim
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