Posted by:
thomas davis
at Mon Nov 30 19:42:49 2009 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by thomas davis ]
lets address some things tim...
>>>Uh no, when subspecies are crossed intergrades are the result - not hybrids. All milk snakes are the same species.
>yes they are. did i infer otherwise?
>>>It's funny that you refer to the snakes in this post as Pueblans, after all those previous posts where you made it clear that you think every captive bred snake is a hybrid. It seems like you have a hard time keeping your story straight. I've noticed that a lot with people who do not tell the truth.
>my story is straight and the same as its always been. please cite one time ive lied or havnt told the truth tim ONE TIME otherwise shutup with that bs, jumping up and down and spewing accusations doesnt constitute dancing. and if you could grasp my post(its very evident you cant) then you would understand ive never said all captives are hybrids or intergrades but ALOT are and its no big deal, its the purist who make it a big deal and most of the time its done in the name of deceptive marketing for the all mighty dollar. like the snake in this post, obvious sockhead group hes putting together, the one has a questionable look but certainly could be trueblue l.t.campbelli NOBODY KNOWS! but its gonna be ripped by purist as a hybrid/cross/intergrade, yet a few weeks ago a questionable looking snake comes up and oh its pure... theres a double standard maybe you cant see it but i do and its pathetic.
>>>Anyway, shouldn't you be at dance lessons?
>its you who need the lessons tim, of course some just CANT learn.
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