Posted by:
at Fri Dec 4 00:36:47 2009 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by JKruse ]
Hi Mark,
yes, that second zonata "mutt" was a dead specimen. No need to be sorry, only the "engineer" of that snake need be sorry for putting out senseless garbage and deceiving an innocent individual (who was most certainly NOT myself).
The differentiations between a true southern Martir agalma and a northern Juarez agalma are multiple, but I will share a few that pertain to the photos presented. Unfortunately, had my internet not been compromised I'd be able to post more photos to illustrate all differences. I'm temporarily utilizing another PC and can not access the photos I want at this time, but here are the fairly obvious differences that you may observe from the two photos provided:
1) The placement of the first white band on the head. Martir agalma's white head band is offset from the eyes whereas the Juarez agalma's white bad is right up against the rear of the eye
2) The overall shape of the head on a Martir agalma is more elongated, whereas a Juarez agalma the head is more stout/triangled
3) The band count on a Martir agalma is on average 38-40 triads, whereas the Juarez agalma average of around 42. The Martir bands are typically "tighter" and thinner where as the Juarez triads tend to be wider and slightly more jagged. That second deceased specimen had a lower triad count.
4) Martir agalma are more slender and only grow on average to about 24-30 inches, where the Juarez agalma can grow to lengths of up to 42 inches.
There are a couple other nuances that are hard to describe without showing a photo, however please e-mail me and I'd be happy to further elaborate once my own PC is up and running. Hope I've been able to provide some clarification on this example, as well as hoping this example provides further evidence of the damage of creating such garbage in captivity. The larger concern is just how many of these bogus Martir agalma make their way from California across the U.S.? And if those folks don't know and breed these fakes.......*I THINK YOU CAN SURMISE WHERE I'M GOING WITH THIS*...... ----- Jerry Kruse
And God said, "Let there be zonata subspecies for all to ponder..."
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