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at Wed Mar 10 19:09:11 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by jscrick ]
I hear ya loud and clear. The system works in a strange way. Actually, it is somewhat counterintuitive. The academics are beholding to the fish and game commissioner types for their livelihood. And the fish and game managers and wardens/LE all got their degrees and tutelage under the academics...inherited philosophies/indoctrination of wildlife professionals by the academics beholding to the commission.
Why are the academics beholden to the commissioners, you ask? Because they are state employees. They must teach, do research, publish, science stuff you know, for tenure...for their jobs. They hold their state positions at the pleasure of the state {commission}. The commission sets the agenda. Academics dance to the tune, to validate the commission's will/agenda.
A commissioner's job description is political appointee at the pleasure of the Governor. They are extremely wealthy, the biggest political contributors with huge land holdings and huge natural assets. Of course they are not going to jeopardize their livelihood..of modifying, altering, destroying habitat with bulldozers, roads, shopping centers, automobiles, parking lots, golf courses, agricultural interests, acknowledging that their livelihood endeavors are the primary problem with our environment. You get the picture? The academics are their cover guys. It's all about the elitist mentality maintaining the status quo for the very wealthy and scapegoating the masses.
The Naturalista Elite do their part to curry favor with the wealthiest elite. They fit right into the king's court, joining the agenda by adding their voice of validation, curring favor on high, with their elitist dogma. After all, "They do know what's best" with all their high handed morals and principles. Of course they do, with their self-righteous indignation. How could they be wrong?
I realize this a bit convoluted and poorly written on my part, but I did it in a hurry. A book could be written. Is anybody getting this???
It's all about money. If we really wanted to get to the root cause, it would be quite simple. Too many humans chasing a dwindling number of resources. Nobody want to discuss the real issue. No money in that. We need more consumers for our consumer economy. We need more factory workers to make more goods more cheaply. We need more bodies queued up for military service, should the need arise (in order to protect our economic interest worldwide). Just no money in the truth.
Yea, I'm just another nut-job crack-pot. "Ya, listen to me now and believe me later." I understand many are naive and idealistic. I was too, once. It just takes a while for reality to sink in sometimes.
jsc ----- "As hard as I've tried, just can't NOT do this" John Crickmer
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