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at Wed Mar 10 14:24:44 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by BRhaco ]
This is exerpted from the above website:
"Species Account: The giant toad primarily occurs naturally from the Amazon Basin in South America north to the Lower Rio Grande Valley in Texas. The Florida population is probably of Colombian origin and is the result of pet trade escapes and deliberate introductions (Bartlett and Bartlett 1999). In 1936, the University of Florida's Agricultural Experiment Station released 200 giant toads from Puerto Rico at Canal Point and Belle Glade in Palm Beach County to control sugar cane pests, but the toads disappeared in less than 1 year (Riemer 1958, Krakauer 1968). Two other attempted toad introductions in the 1940s by sugar companies at Clewiston, Glades County, and Pennsuco, Dade County, also failed (Duellman and Schwartz 1958, Riemer 1958, Krakauer 1970). The present population originated from the accidental release in 1955 of approximately 100 toads by an importer at the Miami International Airport (King and Krakauer 1966). " ----- Brad Chambers WWW.HCU-TX.ORG
Breeder of: Green Tree Pythons Jungle Carpet Pythons Pastel, Pinstripe, FIRE, Piebald, Clown, Lavender Albino, Leucistic, and Spider Ball Pythons Striped Colombian Boa Constrictors Kenyan, Rufescens, and Conicus Sand Boas Red Phase Western Hognose Snakes Spider Western Hognose Snakes Albino Western Hognose Snakes Locality Trans-Pecos Mexican Hognose Snakes Southern Hognose Snakes Eastern Hognose Snakes Tricolor Hognose Snakes Hypo Checkered Garter Snakes Eastern Blackneck Garter Snakes Stillwater Hypo Bullsnakes Patternless Bullsnakes S. GA Eastern Kingsnakes Locality Desert Kingsnakes Albino Desert Kingsnakes Hypo Desert Kingsnakes Mexican Black Kingsnakes Desert Phase, Striped Desert, Newport, and Coastal California Kingsnakes Locality Mexican Milksnakes Spotted Mexican Milksnakes Tangerine Mexican Milksnakes Locality Alterna Abbott Okeetee Cornsnakes Mexican Baird's Ratsnakes Cape Housesnakes Tangerine Albino African Fat -Tailed Geckos Locality Spotted Turtles
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