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at Sun Mar 14 11:35:13 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by luhrsreptiles ]
John The first thing they have to understand about me is I’m a Vietnam Vet with a low tolerance for stupid people especially if they are in the government. I don’t play well with people who make excuses or try to defend taking my rights away. They need to ask California Fish & Game what happened back in the mid 70’s. I was young, naive and didn’t a lot of money. California F&G Decided they could run all over us and ban everything. When it was over after 3 years in the courts, the head jerk in the Department was sent away to count deer pellets in North Eastern California from what I’ve been told and it took Fish & Game more than 10 years before they felt up trying us again and they lost very badly that time. That’s why they have waited 20 more years before trying again. The first time we won in all the lower courts but lost in the California Supreme Court which was a Court so liberal that the Chief Justice by the name of Rose Bird was removed from the court a couple of years later, one of the few if not the only time that’s ever happened. The second time we knew a lot more about the law and we had a lot more money and hired the right people and like I said it took them 20 more years to get their courage up again. Well I have 20 times more money than I did 20 years ago and I understand the law a lot better now. California F&G is about to be hit with about 20 freedom of information act requests just to start. I already know the answers to a lot of them but they don’t know which ones I know. If they try to hid anything or lie, chances are I’ll know, and you just know how understanding I’ll be with that. I also understand that there will be a web site up in the near future giving the names and address of the AR people the light they deserve. Michael Luhrs
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