Posted by:
at Sun Mar 14 16:56:16 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by jscrick ]
I do agree with you. I'm not saying don't comment. Let me relate my own personal experience.
Last year there was this individual very outspoken on the forum, very anti-regulation of commercial harvest (especially the recent ban on commercial turtle harvest in my state). This guy was simply livid with the capitulation and complete abandonment of his position by what he thought were his peers.
Well, this unhappy person got in touch with the man in charge of writing the new regulations banning the commercial harvest of turtles in our state. That man in charge of the new regulations, did in fact tell my unhappy friend that I was one of the ones that contributed the the plan that was put in place. He specifically mentioned my name.
This unhappy individual contacted me and asked me what was that all about? All I could tell him regarding my contribution, that I was aware of, were my comments in opposition to the pending ban. I was in fact, very much opposed to the new regulations.
So, how did I contribute? Still scratching my head trying to figure that one out. I'm at a loss. Other than the spin they put on my comments and the changes they made nullifying my objections, I have no Idea.
The unhappy person to whom I'm referring, is welcome to speak up and confirm this tale, if they care to. They do keep up with this forum, or I should say, they used to.
jsc ----- "As hard as I've tried, just can't NOT do this" John Crickmer
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