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RE: ...What?...

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Posted by: Calparsoni at Tue Mar 16 11:30:31 2010   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Calparsoni ]  

I keep lizards. The lizards I keep actually occasionally eat people too although they are dead when the lizards eat them (usually I think). I also keep them outside in Fl. My cages have withstood three hurricanes for sure including a cat 3 hurricane that sat over my house for almost a week and took out half the pine trees on my 5 acre wooded lot. They have also stood up to a few other storms that I am unsure of as to whether they were hurricanes or tropical storms at the time (technicality issues). Point is unless my cages take a direct hit from an f-2 or larger tornado(did I mention the f-1 that jumped my house during one of the storms? Oh yeah I live in Paisley paisley and tornados.) or a nuclear bomb my cages aren't going anywhere. Can you say the same about your fish tank set ups????
In Mark Andre Auliya's book "Taxonomy,Life History and Conservation of Giant Reptiles of West Kalimantan" (that's in Borneo mr. lizard keeper.) he does touch on human fatalities related to Retics. I know he mentions one for sure and possibly one other. I am not saying he is the final authority in the subject at all but I am sure if factual incidents were more common they would have been mentioned. He did mention a retic that was found with a small Asian sun bear in it's gut which would certainly demonstrate they capable of consuming a small child. I believe one of the specimens he found regurged a binturong which isn't exactly a small animal. The point is human predation by large snakes is actually quite rare.
Since you mentioned India in your post however (which actually is only marginally part of the retics range btw.They are much more common in indochina on the Malaysian peninsula and on the Islands of the Malay archipelligo.) I will give you these interesting statistics I came across yesterday. 72 children were killed by wolves (yes wolves.) in India between 1996 and 1998. Wolves are the ancestors of your precious fido. In modern times they have been considered one of the least dangerous predators out there from personal experience I would tend to agree and wolves in the western hemisphere have been considered to historically be less agressive than there old world counterparts, however they certainly have killed more people than large constrictors. fyi last week on the 8th we had our third wolf related fatality on the North American continent it happened in Alaska.


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>> Next Message:  RE: ...What?... - busterlimes, Tue Mar 16 16:37:44 2010

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