Posted by:
at Sun Mar 14 13:35:27 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by botis ]
"Realistically --- push for TERM LIMITS and CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM."
I would like to see CFR go much further. Our system of Government cannot function when working in the legislature is such a "good career move". With politics being so profitable these days, people, for the most part, don't get into politics because they want to serve the people; people now get into politics because of the money and power that comes with the job. While in office, the world is basically their playgroud. Lavish gifts, vacations, comps wherever they go, more time off than I could even dream of, health care for life, and they bring home a hefty salary to boot. Then it gets really good, because when they leave, they can go strait to work for a lobbying firm; where they are paid hansomely, and have just as much, if not more, influence that they had while in office. Is it any wonder that these "perks" are attracting the type of scum that we currently have in Washington? Why should the size of your bank account have any bearing on how much access you have to the lawmaker's ear? Campaign contributions should be outlawed, period. Lobbying should be outlawed, period. When a person chooses to run for office, they should be given a set stipend, and an alloted ammount of advertising time. That way EVERYONE is on a level playing field. Maybe then we will actually elect our representatives based on their qualifications, as opposed to who has the best propaganda machine.
In regards to term limits, be careful what you wish for. I was a huge supporter of term limits when the push was made to enact them on our state legislature, but not any more. Term limits have proven to be an absolute disaster in the State of Michigan. We now have lawmakers that constantly have to learn on the job, and that make the same mistakes over and over. By the time they actually figure out what they're doing, they are forced out. I don't think, however, that we should allow some of the "career politicians" to occupy the same position for 30 years either. 10-15 years would be appropriate.
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