Posted by:
at Mon Mar 15 14:44:50 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by aquick ]
I have a few random thoughts regarding the invasive herp issues in the Sunshine State currently, and perhaps ways we as a community could help be part of the solution.
1.) Burms--Our industry's biggest problem right now. We NEED to help control this problem. They are in the glades because they were brought here to satisfy our industry, like it or not. I think an interesting idea would be for the NRBE's auction this year go to irradication efforts of feral burms in the Glades. It is a conservation effort, and large cash or even in-kind donations to this effort; if properly advertised, could help our hobby tremendously, especially in terms of political heat. Also, USARK and other herp keeper orgs could set up charities to raise money to help with control efforts, even doing online donations on websites like this one could raise money too. Alleviating tax payer burden by giving money to irradication programs could help us gain the support of John Q. public.
2.)Niles--same ideas, just toward nile monitor removal efforts in Cape Coral and other affected areas. This issue is just starting to attract media attention and we are in a good position to make ourselves look good by being part of the solution. We don't even have to give money here, we could help by educating people in Cape Coral about Niles and asking them to report sightings, roadkills, etc. I believe this problem is small enough right now irradication efforts could be successful.
3.) Other herps (boas, AfRocks, cane toads, etc.)--Again, we should help any way we can with irradication efforts. It would help us gain public support.
Let's face it, many folks see the spending of taxpayer money on invasive species removal as irritating at best. If we were to help take over financial responsibility, we could gain a lot of support. There, I'm off my soap box for today.
(on an aside note--shame on the Florida FWC and the National Parks Commission for not setting up charity programs of there own for these issues--they want to about cost and don't ask a concerned public for help, shame shame.) Now I'm done.
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