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RE: you are playing into the devils hand

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Posted by: Calparsoni at Tue Mar 16 10:54:49 2010   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Calparsoni ]  

We need to make a united front. This whole thing started long ago as other posters have pointed out. It started with large primates and big cats and none of the reptile people cared (or the bird people fish people etc.) because it didn't concern them. I'll even bet some of them thought it was great that it was someone else getting thrown under the bus instead of us. Now it's our turn and those people who kept primates and mammals who could have been are allies aren't there.
BTW the animal rights activists are starting with big snakes but they won't stop there. Next it will be monitors.Then it will be something else. They do the same thing with dogs today the red-headed stepchild in the dog world is the pit bull they all want to ban pit bulls when they succeed with pit bulls they will move on to rottweilers and then onto something else until dogs are banned all together. If you were to ever read animal rights literature you would see that they compare pet keeping to slavery. They also do things like publish the names and addresses of people who buy animals they don't approve of in there publications. I assume that they do this in hopes that some of their members will show up at their residences and do God-knows-what to these people. Perhaps like the anti-abortion activists(domestic terrorism???). To give you an example I am aware of an Amish farmer in S.E. Pa. that apparently purchased some Emus from an animal auction. I do not know his name or address nor would I put it here if I did. How do I know that? I learned it from reading one of their publications when I worked at a humane society full of those nuts.
I post alot on the burm forum. For the record I no longer keep large snakes I used to keep burms and green anacondas. I still keep Water monitors (and will continue to do so no matter what laws they pass) which for the moment are not on the radar here in fl. or on the federal level. I know it is a matter of time. If I was to move back to N.Y. state with animals I actually bought in N.Y. (15 yrs ago.) I would be a criminal right now. That's kind of ridiculous. As someone else in this thread mentioned those people don't attack each other but keep a united front. we need to do the same.


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