Posted by:
at Tue Mar 16 17:49:04 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by WSTREPS ]
About permits, they do sound like good idea but,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
as we have seen here in Florida good ideas are not what the opposition to the reptile trade wants. When it was first proposed that full bans on exotics be enacted here in Florida, the reptile trade got together and bent over backwards to work out a viable solution that would please everyone. State wide work shops, sitting down with everyone and trying to come up with a good plan of action to address the various concerns. Everyone had their say ..................
The end result was permits, micro chipping and inspections. Before the agreement even went in to effect the opposition side stepped Fish and Game at the state level and went to the federal government again asking for an all out ban. Now within no time, Florida is again looking at a full ban both at the state and at the federal level. Unless a permitting system is devised at a national level and has provisions that will offer the holder a fair amount of protection at the state level, a permitting system will not solve anything. The trade will just keep seeing repeats of what is going on here in Florida.
Compromise is not what those who oppose the reptile trade are looking for and its not what they are going to settle for. Giving up something might be a short term solution but it will not be a cure for the activist disease. Playing outlaw pet owner might be acceptable for some but for the people that want to have legitimate above board collections and businesses this is not an answer, forming a unified front and actively defending your ownership and business rights is not "just protesting like hippies?" its the American way and the way many industry's have defended themselves from activist groups. Banning together and showing up, letting everyone know your not just going to roll over and beg is the best actual plan of action, from there you can start working on the other things. Its easy to give a nice Rah Rah speech but will anyone listen or act? Who knows but to this point the trade has not matched the drive and determination of the activist and that is why things are where they are and not because of pythons and lizards, its all about achieving goals. The activist are reaching theirs, can the trade rally? I don't think its to late but like I keep saying everyone has to be on board and going the same direction.
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