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RE: And who decides what a

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Posted by: StephF at Wed Mar 17 17:57:33 2010   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by StephF ]  


Fact is, exotics get out. Sometimes by accident. Sometimes they are deliberately released by people who don't know any better, don't understand the ramifications of what they're doing, etc. etc.

Some of these exotics live long enough to do damage to humans domestic animals and local wildlife. They may be venomous, aggressive and dangerous, carry diseases or compete for resources. They can become safety and health problems.

What happens when these animals become a problem? Citizens call the authorities to address the problem. The government. Local, state, or federal. Taxpayer funded government.

If the government is going to be on the hook for the removal, abatement, control or whatever, then maybe they should be responsible for deciding what is legal to own.

Unless of course the reptile 'community' gets it's collective crap together and addresses the very real problems created by irresponsible owners, dealers, etc. who helped create some of these problems in the first place.

Are these irresponsible parties in the minority? I sure hope so. But frankly these are the people who are messing things up for the rest of us. Frustration and anger should be directed at them, and not necessarily at the officials who have to assume the responsibility for fixing the damage done.

Next, we should be asking ourselves what can we do in the way of prevention. And what we can do to clean up after ourselves. And what we can do to police ourselves.


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>> Next topic:  Herper's responsibilities - jjenkins, Wed Mar 17 18:58:29 2010
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