Posted by:
at Wed Mar 17 23:33:20 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by busterlimes ]
"SCUBA and Flying are hazardous undertakings in which others besides yourself are put at risk-and thus the societal interest in regulation. Breeding boa constrictors is hardly comparable.
Hunting and fishing are not analogous to herpkeeping-they involve removing or at least utilizing a resource from the commons-thus the license fees, proceeds of which go to maintaining that resource. To the extent that the domestic herp hobby removes herps from the wild, we ALREADY pay license fees and observe bag limits, etc for that privilege.
I'm not arguing against ANY regulations-if you had been here longer, you would remember past posts in which i personally have advocated various moderate reforms (such as a partial import ban). But these must be based on sound science, not emotion or "feel good" justifications."
Why do you think I'm talking about boas? This is the HERP law discussion. Lot's of herps should be controlled IMO.
Some herps are venomous and I can see no reason to keep them, other than to milk them for the needed anti-venom (I'm not saying that everyone should milk their snakes, but that it's just as INAPPROPRIATE to own one as it is to own a TIGER). If you own a monacled cobra and it bites me, my hospital is going to have to let me die while they FLY monacled cobra anti-venom to me. I don't find this an acceptable risk in society! Add to that the fact that MOST americans don't find ANY snakes to be acceptable and you have a serious quandary, even with your boa constrictors.
Collecting is already taxed and you pay money for permits, but that's not what I'm talking about at all. I'm pretty sure (not positive) that you are technically supposed to have a permit in this state to collect morells! (idk the spelling, the brainy looking delicious mushrooms)
My opinion is that import/export should all but stop (as near as we can get) the low demand for these things can be fulfilled by current breeding efforts.
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