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What Else We Need to Read

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Posted by: Eimon at Thu Mar 18 14:29:03 2010   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Eimon ]  

Don’t Feed the Trolls! Are you kidding me? Quit wasting valuable time with these two saps. First, let me say that to some extent I forgive them for their naivety, ignorance, and stupidity- simply because of an utter lack of experience, understanding and comprehension. They haven’t lived long enough, or developed the necessary skills yet to define the reality of life and living in it. With that said, a lot of us have completely fallen into the oldest “forum trap” there is. Just look at the amount of time that has been spent on “convincing or converting.” People, use that time for the real needs of the challenge! Changing the opinion of two “forum names” is not going to accomplish anything! Absolutely Nothing. It’s a classic diversion of time, energy and resources. Get buried in the preoccupation of the constant release and display of the minutia of details. Ad infinitum. Seriously, we should be way smarter than that by now.

Buster and Steph- Here’s the real deal, like it or not. Originally, since I never play “forum ping pong” with what constitutes a bucket of rocks, I was just going to blat out a couple of comments. But, I decided to at least try once first, and then leave the parting shots at the end.

Most of us engaged in this endeavor have lived on the earth and in this county two to three times as long as you have. Contrary to PC assertions: yes, that gives us seniority. We have experience, perspective, and knowledge which you don’t even know exists yet. Not to sound superior or condescending, it’s just the fact of the way it is. Another PC fallacy- opinions can’t be wrong because they are just opinions. Uh, WRONG. Opinions based on nothing more than YOUR own criteria (which includes limited, lacking, incomplete, uninformed, misunderstood, etc, etc, etc- knowledge, understanding, experience, etc, etc, etc) are just that. Feelings, nothing more than feelings.

This battle started years and years ago. Literally about the time when you were born. 25 to 30 years ago, no one gave a rats behind if anyone kept snakes or reptiles. Nor what kind they were. Not the government or society. Yeah, if you did you were considered “different” but so is anyone that strays from the boring, bell curve of “the norm” at any given time. Now it’s headline news? Sure, because reptiles have not just entered the mainstream, they’ve actually dominated in their own many ways recently- because now a lot of people have them, and now a lot of people know about them.

Just the facts, ma’am. If only it could/would be based on anything even close to that.

“License this, license that, legislate this, legislate that.” Oh, I feel better…..better get a bucket. Are you really that dumb? Ever REALLY thought about that? WTF do so many things need that? Oh wait, lets create a need, then create a structure, then create some revenue, then create a sustained system, all at someone else’s expense. Sound familiar? Probably not. Give yourselves a few more years; it might sink in if you’re lucky.

The Constitution, Declaration of Independence, the History of this country. Sure we all have interpretations of what the content means today. But the core foundation principle of the genesis of this nation, was and is- disagreement, then rebellion of the then current systems (political, social, intellectual) to ENSURE individual FREEDOMS of persons. Finally accomplished with untiring strength and conviction, our forefathers went to any length and endured every trial and tribulation along the way, to pass on this noble ideal. We should all try honoring that, at the very least in spirit. Especially when just a shadow of it’s former importance remains tangible today.

Compromise. While in actuality it’s a perfectly workable, useful and necessary function at times (especially within personal, social and business constructs) and even arguablely a vital weapon, ur….. I mean mechanism in function of political machination- the essence of the result (politically) seemingly has value, but the reality is never to the true benefit of the concessionair. Hummm.

Steph- you claimed to be here to gain knowledge and understanding of the current topic(s) being discussed. Here’s a hint- STFU and you might have a chance.

Buster, my dear Buster- what a character you are…LOL! Get Over It.
You’re small (meant figuratively, not literally), and greatly affected by your own negative contacts. So, you want the rest of the world to sink to your level (lowest common denominator) to make you feel adequate. Good luck with that.

To some of the others with some well thought and presented ideas and suggestions- most are good, but unfortunately they would have been viable about 5 to 10 years ago, not now.

And to those few on here who have continually always grasped and understood the task at hand: either by experience, thought, action or otherwise- I hope you know that none of this is directed at you, but merely underscores and supports the very same. Now, quit wasting time and get back to work, damn it……LOL

PS- just for fun, there are 3 “entertainment media” references infused in this diatribe. Extra points anybody………….


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>> Next Message:  RE: GOOD ONE - luhrsreptiles, Thu Mar 18 14:37:48 2010
>> Next Message:  Thanks... - jscrick, Thu Mar 18 15:13:07 2010
>> Next Message:  RE: What Else We Need to Read - StephF, Thu Mar 18 17:26:47 2010
>> Next Message:  What Else We Need to Read - StephF, Thu Mar 18 17:34:05 2010