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RE: What I have learned

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Posted by: busterlimes at Fri Mar 19 00:17:14 2010   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by busterlimes ]  

"You seem to believe what you can manage, and what you believe other folks can or could safely manage, should be pets, and those creatures you have deemed unacceptable for whatever reason, should either not be, or be permitted somehow.

As I asked, show me a single reptile permit system worth the paper its written on that has worked...Florida's old system was the one O would always use as my "suggestion" - look what good that did Florida...

I don't have dogs, and frankly, I don't like dogs. I was seriously attacked by a Saint Bernard as a kid. I was also bitten badly by a Dalmatian. I don't use those examples, and my bad experiences with those animals to force my beliefs of what makes a good captive for me on others who would want to own those animals."

Ok, I'm at grand lake of the cherokees here in OK tonight but I did want to respond to this.

Yes, I realized today when I was bathing my dog that this IS true. However, that does not mean that just because you can handle it you should keep it. It at least doesn't mean I am going to think that, especially in the case of venomous animals (being sold to completely random people).

Well, here in Kansas we have some pretty strict exotics laws where certain things are just outright banned such as quaker parrots (kansans actually believe these will ruin their crops. I've never seen a quaker eat a soybean, i have seen it eat corn or wheat) not strict when compared to NY, but compared to say... Montana or something.
however nobody messes with me in this cowboy town (the one I live in, even the state representative for my area knows I keep reptiles) when I say, "I have a state issued dangerous animals permit" which basically does nothing, but they don't know that. I'm not saying copy any system really at all

I'm not going to say anything about dalmations... or about removing dog breeds from trade (lol) but you nailed one with me right there. I knew a dalmation who was quite wrong in the brain once. I was attacked by a big snake on more than one occasion. He was a terror. I shared one of those times here and I honestly regret that. we live and learn.


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<< Previous Message:  RE: What I have learned - Ravenspirit, Thu Mar 18 19:40:52 2010