Posted by:
at Sat Mar 20 00:33:15 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by busterlimes ]
I have said, and still know, that this is a loving pet community responding to a huge ban.
I sympathize, but it's hard to empathize when some of the legislation is banning "venomous", I must be a big hater for hots but I've known people to keep them bc I've been a pretty active dude in the pet trade since a youngster. I'm talking about reeeeeeally weird people, who SECRETLY have a basement full of craziness (in my mind).
In the other arena: It's also hard to empathize when I go to the lake and the only herps out (it's early but still) are INVASIVE red-eared sliders (which must be the most prolific turtle ever if experience is indicative of the global problem). They are from the PET trade. I'm positive that this pre-dates the current way things are done, but it makes me have thoughts that this could be happening with other animals. I really do TRY not to get my 'thoughts' from any media source.
I also retain the idea that a WEE bit of reformation (in the entire pet trade) as to species will not destroy everything, but times are tough now as it is, I hear ya. I think that a positive note on my idea of "reformation" is to get rid of this 4" turtle crap (see I'm not all bad, that would help breeders... right?)
I didn't mean to attack breeders. I have a lot of respect and think you should go steal 1.2 condors from zoos so that they can actually breed.(BIG JK LOL) In fact some day I think there will be a 100 hectare saltwater aquarium with a full biome supporting plankton and krill in order to bring whales back from extinction. (can't blame me for liking old star trek movies).
I just don't want venomous animals, tigers, warthogs, (omg could you imagine? oh wait I'm asking the WRONG people that question lol) a CHIMPANZEE (FFS?) or any other animal that I DEEM TO BE DANGEROUS around MY KID, or family, or dog, or herps. The only issue I have with supporting ya'll is that my (dumb) neighbor could buy a viper, or even an endangered species.
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