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Posted by: TOM_CRUTCHFIELD at Sat Mar 20 08:58:58 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by TOM_CRUTCHFIELD ] The only problem I have with that is that your "dumb neighbor" might be an expert who just might be doing positive things that you're not aware of. I've always had neighbors and NOT once has any of my herps escaped and harmed anyone or anything. I once had a neighbor object to my having False Gavials in a pond in my front yard. She went as far as getting a petition to try to get other neighbors to sign. To make a long story short NO ONE signed it but her. I had my attorney send her a letter and it was finished. I was just a "dumb neighbor" to her and my Tomistoma were there for 20 years with no problems of any kind...thanks..Anyway your "dumb neighbor" may not like things you do but this is supposed to be a free country and where all shall be allowed the pursuit of happiness. If your neighbor wishes to keep venomous snakes etc. he should be allowed to unless your liberties and pursuit of happiness are disallowed in some way. A persons personal freedoms stop only when they affect others personal freedoms in some way. How does a person next door keeping venomous stop you from pursuit of happiness? If he ever has an escape etc there should be severe penalties that punish him. Cars and guns are lethal weapons in the wrong hands but it's likely your neighbor has both and doesn't affest you at all...Think about these things... | ||
>> Next Message: RE: What I have learned - busterlimes, Sat Mar 20 15:08:02 2010 | ||
<< Previous Message: RE: What I have learned - busterlimes, Sat Mar 20 00:33:15 2010 |
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