Posted by:
at Sat Mar 20 13:00:41 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by kathylove ]
"... I'm talking about reeeeeeally weird people, who SECRETLY have a basement full of craziness (in my mind)..."
Unfortunately, banning something often only stops law abiding people from doing it - unless they are so passionate that they are willing to become criminals to continue their passion. Making criminals out of previously law abiding citizens who never harmed anyone with their hobby / business does not benefit society, in my opinion. It is true that MOST people are not capable of properly caring for venomous or giant snakes, or big cats, etc. And that is why MOST people shouldn't have them. But MOST is not ALL!
The secretive, "weird" people you talk about won't stop just because it is banned. All of the bans on drugs haven't stopped drugs or drug users, and they won't stop illegal animal keeping, either. What bans WILL do is to drive the animal keepers underground, where they won't be subject to inspection and regulation.
OTOH, SENSIBLE regulations will allow normally law abiding citizens to remain law abiding, and to be inspected and stay above ground. Bans that drive passionate keepers underground just make them criminals, instead of stop them.
The "crazies" will continue to do crazy things, regardless of laws, and regardless of whether their craziness involves drugs, animals, guns, car racing on back streets, or any other potentially dangerous pursuit. Every hobby, business, and industry will attract some of that type of person, ESPECIALLY if that hobby or business has any aspect of it that is in some way dangerous or macho. That is just human nature.
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