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at Wed Mar 24 09:03:26 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by CSRAJim ]
>>Dr Frank Mazzotti commented on the effects of cold on his study group of Burmese pythons during hearing. He said 9 of the 10 that were being radio tracked in the ENP died from cold exposure. He also said that industry should not be shut down and said the answer lies in cooperation between the scientific community and industry. USARK made contact with Dr Mazzotti prior to the hearing and is committed to work with him to find solutions to the problems in south Florida. Thank you Dr. Mazzotti for your honesty and integrity. We look forward to working with you. USARK
OK, as one member of the “herp community”, I’ll agree to LISTEN to the recommendations but I’ll not agree to ANY compromise until I can read it for myself. I KNOW that deals made in the backrooms and hallways as side-bar agreements to COMPROMISE to reach a CONSENSUS followed by the PROPAGANDA to SELL it, usually results in something that is a reduction in freedom – one brick at a time.
USARK Questions…
1. Why hasn’t ALL of the data been brought to light regarding the purported “problem” of the invasive pythons and boas – specifically the experiment at SREL (and any others that we don’t know about)?
I know that the SREL peer reviewed report is not scheduled for release until June 2010…Well, they’re holding hearings NOW! For this reason and in my opinion, ALL of this legislation should be placed on permanent hold until ALL of the information is presented and evaluated BEFORE the vote. NO compromise, NO vote, NO proposed promulgation of regulations, etc, until the FACTS are ALL presented, examined and verified…We all know (especially you old timers here) that behind the cloak, there is a dagger.
2. When are the representatives of USGS, et al, going to be placed under oath (on camera) before the Natural Resources Committee (with a review of THEIR internal correspondence) to discuss how they came to their conclusion(s) in their purported reports?
3. So in that vein and under the assumption that S.373 and H.R.2811 are toast (which I already know WILL be back in another form as this IS the agenda), what is out there regarding proposals if any?
Going back to my college days, this should be discussed by the scientific method of hypothesis to theory to law, based on facts determined by observation or experimentation or a combination of both and not on agenda driven pseudo-science to achieve a political end…If the facts do not support the hypothesis, then the hypothesis should be discarded until other facts presented lend to its support reappear later…
Sorry for my skepticism here but, they’ve (e.g. politicians, bureaucracies, NGO’s, organizations, et al) have given me great concern regarding trust of anything they propose…
Later, Jim.
----- CSRAJim
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