Posted by:
at Wed Mar 24 11:53:10 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by natsamjosh ]
>> >>1. SREL is not a government agency. The are part of UGA. Although their study will be completed in June, the paper is not likely to be available till fall. Maybe you could research whether they have used federal funds and could thus be pressured to release info prior to end of public comment on rule making. >>
"In Collaboration With: USGS, National Park Service, University of Florida, and Davidson College" ---
"SREL is supported largely by external funding. Major sources include DOE Environmental Management, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, USGS, US Department of the Army, National Nuclear Security Administration, National Park Service, National Science Foundation, Augusta-Richmond County Consolidated Government, and SERDP." ----
"The project is a joint effort that also involves the National Park Service, University of Florida and Davidson College."
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