Posted by:
at Wed Mar 24 20:51:55 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by CSRAJim ]
Thanks man but no, that's not what I'm looking for...Most of the stuff in there is part of their "normal" funding for their mission as part of the USG System in coordination with DOE, DOI, etc. They've been working on most of that stuff for years...
The Python study is an addition to what they already do there...
For example, here's this info...
CURRICULUM VITAE, MICHAEL EDWIN DORCAS, December 2009 2008 University of Florida. Thermal Biology of Invasive Burmese Pythons in Everglades National Park. - $19,617 2008 Associated Colleges of the South Faculty Development Grant. Unique opportunities for undergraduate research: Studies of invasive Burmese pythons in Everglades National Park - $4800
2009 Everglades Invasive Species Summit, Everglades National Park, Skip Snow, NPS…
From page 15…”ENP is providing in kind services and partial transportation costs for catching and delivering pythons to Dr. Mike Dorcas for climate tolerance study at SREL in South Carolina”
Eradicating Everglades Pythons will be a Formidable Task posted July 20th, 2009, by Bob Janiskee, National Parks Traveler
"How to bring about this sharp reduction in python numbers remains an open question. Scientists and wildlife managers are using and developing a variety of policies, tactics, and strategies. These include:
Using partnerships to develop, implement, and coordinate python control efforts. The National Park Service has already partnered with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Geological Survey, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the South Florida Water Management District, the University of Florida, and the Savannah River Ecology Lab, to name just a few collaborators."
The stuff I'm looking for is probably contained within some interagency coordination MOU or MOI between the USGS, USFWS, NPS, UF, FWCC, SFWMD, etc...It's out there somewhere in digital space but it's going to be spread out...
Later, Jim. ----- CSRAJim
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