Posted by:
at Fri Mar 26 10:52:25 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Calparsoni ]
I calling you that jokingly. It is a reference to the rock preachers of years past. Being a semi professional musician for many years I am very aware that controversy is an excellent advertising campaign. KISS, Madonna, Marylin Manson, WASP, Motley Crue, and many others even the Beatles (remember the "more popular than Jesus Christ'Quote?) have used controversy to generate a type of free advertising that can't be bought and quite frankly is better than any advertising you could buy. Anytime someone in one of these bands did something that could be viewed as "satanic" or contrary to christian views there would be an army of preachers screaming about for several sundays to a captive audience full of rebellious teenagers forced to go to church by parents they would love to tick off. You can guess what albums they will be buying. This even goes on today the latest one is "I kissed a girl" by Katy perry. Being a lead player in a female fronted bar band I cringe everytime I here one of the preachers in my church rally against this song. It gives extended life to a cheesy song that I wish would go away. The real point to this post (and a previous one I posted on here.) however is a parallel analogy to the point I just made. EVERY TIME one of these shows comes on you people watch it not only do you watch it but you come on here and just like those preachers you rally on about it and lots of people who read this post will ultimately end up watching the show either because the idea outrages them or just out of curiousity. Calling advertisers and telling them you aren't going to buy their product does not work btw. What it tells them is that you actually watched the show and their advertising campaign is working. If you don't believe call radio talk show host Neal Boortz and ask him. He is a very controversial radio talk show host who has people lobby that exact threat against him all the time. He actually had one of his advertisers on his show once who told people exactly what I just stated about the threats of not buying their product. With the current technology out there for cable and sattlelite dishes and the computerized boxes they have the data on what you are watching and even what you are putting on your dvr and watching later on. It is these numbers that stations base their decisions on as to what programs they carry and it is also these numbers which advertisers use to determine where their advertising money goes. While certain people involved with these shows do have an agenda the bottom line is these type of shows are extremely cheap to produce and give the tv channel the biggest bang for the buck. If you want to stop such programming stop watching it altogether and for God's -sake stop screaming about them on here and giving them free advertising.
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