Posted by:
at Fri Mar 26 20:39:42 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by CSRAJim ]
Not necessarily...Their "sponsors" are not the source of their money...HSUS is the benefactor of the IRS tax code (as are virtually every foundation and 501(c)(3) organization)...Their money (operating and lobbying funds-a 501(c)(3) can do some lobbying or their 501(c)(4) "action fund" will) are tax deductions for the "for profit" businesses that make contributions to them.
Also, as 501(c)(3), they are eligible for tax payer funded grants as well...And then there are the "in-kind" contributions (not actual money but equipment and services).
Besides their "sponsors" include Hollywood (HSUS has a Hollywood office) and actors and actresses want to get the air time as they do with many other "ECO" issues...I saw Jessica Beal on David Letterman last night talking about her Mount Kilimanjaro climb to promote "awareness for water in the third world countries"...So, the only recourse, as a consumer to truly boycott the sponsors of HSUS is to turn off your TV and never see of rent a movie again. As a voter, change the face of the elected politicians so that there cacn be a change in the tax code to stop the real source of their money...
The tax loophole is that they are classified as an "educational" entity...The same as religious...We both know that they are doing is NOT "educational" at all...Rather, its merely "propaganda" disguised as educational science...
Later, Jim. ----- CSRAJim
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