Posted by:
at Mon Mar 29 15:11:02 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by CSRAJim ]
Most relevant man as this is what's been going on in the US for decades...We've abdicated our public trust to professional politicians who obviously will present the facade but, cater to "special interests"...
Here's one of 100's of mid-size "special interests"...The HSUS.
Last night, Mr. Wayne Pacelle, President & CEO, HSUS, was featured in a new TV commercial advertisement…He was asking for the public’s support to the tune of $19.00/month to support the HSUS mission…It had the usual abused animals footage to garner sympathy and money (along with the appropriate music for the desired effect). During the Winter Olympics, I saw HSUS ad's (Wendie Malkin I think) and the Sierra Club ad's (Morgan Freeman?)...
After last night I decided to put this together...
Here are the current links to their IRS reports (that by law, they must publically disclose)…The first is the link to their website…The others are individual years. You can also access other information regarding the financial reports and annual reports as well…In these you’ll see where their money comes from, as is the same with all of the other “DOT-ORG’S”…
The tax code is their friend as well as their “educational status” as a 501(c)(3) classification…
The following information is from the HSUS IRS 990 Form, 2008, Public Disclosure Copy…Here’s what you get for your $19 per month…
You get advocacy and lobbying at the Federal level – From page 4…
“Opposing farm bill provision that would have preempted animal protection laws at the state and local level”
“Establishing felony-level penalties for violations of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act”
“Requiring the FBI to collect statistics on animal cruelty incident and crimes”
“Lobbying on issues included direct contact with legislators and their staff, advertising, and collaboration with human partners”
You get advocacy and lobbying at the State level – From page 4…
“We are active in all 50 state capitols across the country”
“Restricting private ownership of dangerous exotic animals”
“Allowing students to choose not to participate in classroom dissection”
“Finally, HSUS training is offered to citizens who are concerned about animal welfare issues, and who wish to participate in the legislative process and influence public policy, in 2008, the HSUS organized and taught ‘Lobbying 101’ workshops and held statewide lobby days in more than 40 states.”
You get to match your $19 per month with millions of other contributions from Direct Marketing – Schedule G, Supplemental Information Regarding Fundraising or Gaming Activities, the HSUS earned $48,065,907 (net) from the National Outdoor Sport Advertising, Inc (Direct Mail Consultant-Mail, Email & Phone)…
You get to pay six figure salaries and compensation packages for the top executives…Schedule J, Compensation & Benefits
Wayne Pacelle (President & CEO) - $252,540 G. Thomas Waite III (Treasurer & CFO) - $209,407 Roger A. Kindler, Esq (General Counsel, VP & CLO) - $212,121 Andrew N. Rowan, PhD (President & Chief Executive Officer, HS International, CIO & CSO) - $215,520 Michael Markarian (Executive VP & COO) - $201,314 Mary Katherine Berge - $153,294 John W. Grandy, PhD (Sr VP, Wildlife) - $182,654 Robert Roop, PhD - $161,439 John Reed Balzar (Sr VP, Communications) - $163,688
You get an award winning bi-monthly magazine subscription…
”Publications produces hundreds of items each year, including a bi-monthly magazine sent every other month to 420,000 members” – Schedule O Form, Supplemental Information
You get TV programming…
"The HSUS Hollywood office manages an annual awards ceremony, the Genesis Award, and animal content in entertainment (ACE), to encourage the inclusion of animal topics in feature films, television programming and documentaries” – Schedule O Form, Supplemental Information You get Climate Change protection…
”Farm animal welfare conduct research and analysis of trends in animal agriculture, works to promote awareness of the links between intensive animal confinement practices to climate change” – Schedule O Form, Supplemental Information
You get HSUS education and indoctrination…
”Research and education encompasses the HSUS’s planning and evaluation unit. Its higher education division, Humane Society University (HSU), its Humane Education Division, Humane Society Youth, and its publishing Division Humane Society Press (HSP)” – Schedule O Form, Supplemental Information
“Humane Society University (HSU) provides work-force training programs for the humane movement and with university partners offers certificate and degree programs in animal studies since 1973 to educate young people about kindness and respect for all animals and their natural habitats, activate youth efforts to protect animals, and provide teaching materials, professional development, and other support to teachers and humane educators” – Schedule O Form, Supplemental Information
You get HSUS organizational land purchases (Expenses: $5,043, 947; Grants: $38,158 and Revenue: $116,308) - Revenue from protected land, really?
”Since 1993, the Humane Society Wildlife Land Trust has worked to create more than 100 permanent wildlife sanctuaries in 37 states and eight foreign countries – Schedule O Form, Supplemental Information
You get international consulting services to include the United Nations (Expenses: $4,275,766; Grants: $417,576)
”HSI works with governments, humane organizations, and individuals in over 35 countries worldwide to find practical, culturally sensitive, and lasting solution to common animal problems and to inculcate an ethic of respect and compassion for all life. HSI cooperates with policymakers on international treaties and free trade agreements, conducts briefings and helps draft legislation, regulations, policy statements, and resolutions affecting animals. HSI supports the efforts of governments, industries and NGOs to promote animal protection through trade capacity building projects. Under the HSI banner, the HSUS is an active participant in meetings of international bodies such as the international whaling commission, the Convention for international trade in Endangered Species, and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. HSI enjoys category 1A general consultative status with the United Nations.” – Schedule O Form, Supplemental Information
All that and much, much more...What a deal, eh?
Later, Jim.
----- CSRAJim
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