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RE: IRS Audit of TNC Next?

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Posted by: CSRAJim at Tue Mar 30 22:35:31 2010   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by CSRAJim ]  


>>I don't know why any of this is such a big surprise to you. It certainly isn't to me. Invasive species are a huge problem, the scientific community is united on this. Mainstream environmental groups are also pretty much united in opposition to invasives-and the solutions they are backing are simply the ones their biologists are recommending.

The “invasives” issue isn’t a surprise Brad…As I said, in the recommendations to the president, I agree with most of…Guess you missed that. What IS a surprise is seeing the level of involvement of TNC in H.R.669, H.R.2811 and S.373…Or didn’t you read that. What’s a “mainstream” environmental group anyway? What biologists? Rodda, et al?

>>AR groups, however, are cynically EXPLOITING the invasive issue to further their own agenda, the bans on pet ownership. They don't give a damn about invasives, natural environments, habitats etc.

And apparently, TNC is QUIETLY exploiting the “invasives” issue…Why? With their QUIET support of these bills, I’m glad to know that TNC is my friend. So in your opinion, cynically = bad and quietly = give them a pass so as not to make them mad?

>>I (and I hope most herpers) agree with the scientific community-invasives need to be stopped. It's up to us to steer orgs and regulators toward solutions that will still allow our hobby to continue. I fail to see how making a bunch of new enemies will further our aims. But by all means, if you think we need millions of additional people writing their congressman about the pet reptile menace, then who am I to say?

You are not to say and I fail to see how TNC steered anyone one of the “regulators towards solutions that will still allow our hobby to continue”…H.R.669 would’ve ended it and TNC supported it…It seems to me that TNC has QUIETLY chosen a side here…




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>> Next Message:  RE: IRS Audit of TNC Next? - brhaco, Tue Mar 30 22:47:39 2010

<< Previous Message:  RE: IRS Audit of TNC Next? - brhaco, Tue Mar 30 22:12:28 2010