Posted by:
at Tue Mar 30 22:47:39 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by brhaco ]
"...I fail to see how TNC steered anyone one of the “regulators towards solutions that will still allow our hobby to continue”…H.R.669 would’ve ended it and TNC supported it…It seems to me that TNC has QUIETLY chosen a side here… "
I didn't say TNC steered anyone anywhere-I said it was OUR job to do so.
And in your link I saw the TNC say that HR 669 was too restrictive. If you'll read my post you'll see that I never said the TNC was "our friend" (although to those of us who care about nature and habitat beyond our vivaria, I would argue they decidedly ARE friends), just not our enemy.
You have to look at goals from the standpoint of a biologist-HR 669 was proposed because it would certainly solve a problem-but in a way that is a bit like pressing in a thumbtack with a sledgehammer. But we herpers got our point across and less restrictive measures were proposed. Again, the mainstreams will support regulations which are supported by the preponderance of the biologist community. This should not be a shock to anyone. ----- Brad Chambers WWW.HCU-TX.ORG
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