Posted by:
at Wed Mar 31 00:04:12 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by CSRAJim ]
Reading through your links, Jim, I came across this from the TNC Policy advisor for Florida:
>>"Prevention is our least expensive and most effective tool. Florida can get out in front of this potentially terrible problem before it’s too late. The Conservancy is very concerned, and we’re working hard for a solution. The conversation needs to stay balanced, rational and in touch with reality – meaning that people can’t own everything; neither can policies ban everything."
OK, but what is the Conservancy actually concerned about here? Why did they quietly support in H.R.669, if they had their way, they would have allowed us to have what, ship what, transport what?
>>That to me is a factual statement (and literally already true). The days of having it all our own way are now gone. But US Ark and the herping community have been about as effective as we could hope at moderating the excesses and keeping the more extreme ideas from becoming public policy. If you look at those links, and see the kinds of things they were saying a few years ago versus now, you see a change- more consideration being given to the private sector. I think everyone, on all sides, are getting an education here....Excepting HSUS and PETA-can't educate those guys.
We agree again, sadly, the old days are gone and we are getting an education…And yes, I also saw a change as well but, not in the consideration of the private sector man (IMO)…The question is why? We are 100% on HSUS and PETA! No doubt about that my friend! Great discussion man.
Later, Jim.
----- CSRAJim
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