Posted by:
at Sat Jun 19 17:32:20 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by JYohe ]
true facts every idiot in the world knows....
all snakes can kill you all have fangs all have venom...wait ,poison... lawnmowers and rakes and shovels are to be used on snakes at all cost cars can run over snakes,it's a must.... snakes can flatten tires though... snakes can be run over and live (actually true a little) box turtles love to live in grass yards with fences and be fed 3 tomatoes and 4 strawberries a year.... praying mantises are illegal to kill...(NOT) pheasants are native to North America as well as carp,red foxes,starlings,english sparrows...etc etc etc... pheasants are now gone...due to the Game Commisions...NOT over farming practices... eels are endangered over collecting and dams...(true, wait)... .......... snakes don't know state lines...we still have to live with the rules....rules are broken all the time by alot of people...there is a market for all stuff....
the idea of people buying odd critters is true...if you can afford it you can buy it....I know people that had otters and pumas in the cellar....ground hogs that came indoors and slept in a dog box(free whistle pig)....a guy that got phone call asking if he wanted 2 baby tigers?....(from a zoo) had a few acre farm in a town....
anyways.....there are all kinds of thoughts and ideas....and we are not allowed to release captive
.... ----- ....... ....... ......JY
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