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Posted by: panhead at Wed Jul 14 19:32:04 2010   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by panhead ]  

Back in 04 or 05 I got in a group of ball pythons. One of the males kinda looked like a mojave. I decided to keep this one back and I called it "mojavish" just for clarification in my racks. I bred this snake to some normals in 07 to see what would be produced. Some of the babies looked a little like the male so I kept all of them back as "dinker" project. I also lost the original male in 08. Well this past/current breeding season I had a male of size so I bred him to a mojave female just to see if there was something there. I checked the clutch last saturday and about flipped. I see a head sticking out that looks almost like a crystal. On sunday it came out and I had a second one slit that was also a crystal looking snake. I contacted Tom Baker about this and I believe that the snakes that I was calling "mojavish" are actually another line of specials. So now I have another line of crystals that I will be calling TCR crystals. I didn't want to call them something else as there are already enough different names for the same snake. Tom and I both agree that if it's the same then keep it the same just diffierntiate (SP) the line rather than creating some new name for something that already exists. I also have eggs incubating from my Baker crystal to a super mojave that should be out in a week or so. So we'll see if they look the same out of the egg. Oh, I also got a set of twin mojaves out of that clutch.


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>> Next topic:  Axanthic Lemon Blast out of the egg! - JCarr1, Wed Jul 14 20:02:52 2010
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