Posted by:
at Thu Jul 15 18:32:58 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by SlytherLyn ]
How cute that your dog is all curled up in a ball, he must have been living around your ball pythons so long he thinks he is one...
I use both Vision racks and Boaphiles, haven't tried the other one you mention. With the vision racks I have to be on top of who goes into shed and mist their cages every couple days from when they turn blue until after they shed to be sure they get good sheds. With the Boaphiles I have the opposite problem, end up with alot of condensation just from the water bowls being in there and have to wipe the fronts dry a few times a week to prevent the aspen from getting moldy. I'd love to find one that's a happy medium that doesn't end up being too dry or too wet... ----- Have you been hugged by your snake today?
Ball Pythons 1.1 100% het Caramel Albinos (Edward & Bella) 0.1 66% ph Caramel Albino (Rosalie) 0.1 Caramel Albino (Bellatrix) 0.1 High Contrast Albino (Princess Buttercup) 1.0 Butterscotch Ghost (Nick) 1.0 Honey Bee (Aragog) 0.1 Pastel Orange Ghost (Nagini) 0.1 Spider 66% ph Ghost(Nymphadora) 1.1 Mojaves (Lucius & Renesme) 0.1 Pastel Lesser (Narcissa) 0.1 Pinstripe (Arwen) 1.0 Pewter (Salazar) 0.1 Bumble Bee (Alice) 0.1 Lemonblast (Luna) 0.1 Blond Pastel (Katie) 1.0 Bell Pastel (Jasper) 0.1 African Dinker (Esme) 0.0.9 Eggs in the incubator (Edward x Bella) 0.0.3 Eggs in the incubator (Jasper x Esme)
Corns 1.1 het Amel, Anery, Charcoal, Bloodred (Romeo & Juliet) 1.0 Blizzard het Bloodred poss het Anery Lav (Tumnus) 0.1 Fire het Anery (Ginny) 0.1 Anery Lav (Lucy) 0.1 Plasma (Victoria) 0.1 Opal (Jewel) 0.0.23 Eggs in the incubator (Romeo x Juliet) 0.0.18 Eggs in the incubator (Tumnus x Lucy)
Hogs 1.0 Albino Western (Hogwarts) 0.1 het Albino Western (Hufflepuff) 0.1 Tri Color (Molly)
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