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Some Interesting Bull Snake Morphs - DUW

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Posted by: jonellopez at Fri Aug 6 05:20:14 2010   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by jonellopez ]  

Hi Everyone

I just recently finished taking pics of this seasons hatchlings so I'd like to share to all of you Pit Freaks here. I've been working on a few small projects and finally had a chance to breed some of them this season. This also gave my older animals the chance for some "time off."

First project this year was to breed my 1.2 Red Bulls het for speckled animals. I produced these guys from a Speckled poss multi het male and my awesome Locality Kingsville, TX Red female a few years ago to try to produce a super red speckled bullsnake. The nicest of the females (a first timer)did not produce any speckled animals but gave me some nice red hatchlings. Here's one of her daughter Red Bull Snake.

This season the other female produced what I was aiming to get a couple of years ago. A nice Speckled/Patternless Red Bull Snake.

This 2nd female who was in her 2nd year of breeding gave me a really cool surprise this season when this one popped out of the egg. An Axanthic Speckled/Patternless Bull Snake.

The 2nd adult female and the male only produced a nice speckled animal last year so this years clutch proved that the original speckled male(grandpa) was in fact het axanthic and the gene was passed on to both parents. This animal also has a darker and more defined striping than what you would see from a speckled animal due to the "Red Bull" influence. I wonder how she would look like as an adult.

Here's one of their axanthic clutch mate. Notice the coloration on the 1st half of the animal and small blotches due to the Kingsville Red Bull pattern.

The 2nd project this season involves 2.2 Quadruple het animals produced from my Axanthic White-sided Speckled/Patternless male bred to one of my Stillwater Hypo females a couple of years back. Although I really like the Stillwater Hypo mutation as as it is I couldn't resist to see what would result from breeding this beautiful mutation in to other morphs. Both pairs bred successfully and the first time females both produced a small but 100% viable clutch. After bearing what seemed like a very looong incubation period here are some animals that was produced.

This may be and what I believe is one of the first White-sided "Stillwater" Hypo. This double mutation is very subtle and you only see hypo gene evident on this animals' blotches and the faint side pattern. For those who is familiar with the Stillwaters a year or two or growth will really show some dramatic effects on the contrast and amount of black on the animal.

The females also produced a couple more of these little fellas.

Axanthic Speckled/Patternless Bull Snake

Speckled/Patternless Bull Snake

Then my eyes really quadrupled in size when I saw these two little buggers sticking their heads out!

Whohooo! Multi-morphs! First pic is a female then the 2nd pic is the male (definitely a keeper). One can get dizzy and delirious just from thinking about what this pair can produce when bred back to the quadruple het sire/dam. Bring out your pencils and paper kids! Let's do some fun punnet square exercises!

Needless to say I couldn't be any happier with the small but satisfying production this year. I hope you guys can share and appreciate my excitement. Thanks for looking and hope you all like my post. BTW, here's a very nice normal Bull Snake for good measure. Enjoy!

Jonel M. Lopez


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>> Next topic:  Striped Gene in P. catinifer recessive? - Grey_Owl, Fri Aug 6 21:00:40 2010
<< Previous topic:  Stillwater Hypo Male - brhaco, Thu Aug 5 07:41:16 2010