Posted by:
at Thu Aug 12 15:53:48 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Kitt ]
...Don't bite my head off for what I'm about to ask!
I'm attempting to gather up a collection of photos of as many Louisiana Pinesnakes as possible. Preferably captive bred specimens, but it'd be lovely if photos of parents and so forth down the line were available as well. To compare with each generation and such I guess?
This is purely for the sake of having images to compare just to see how variable they are(that and, most of the images I come across are of adults)and difference from hatchling to adult. I've spent so much time trying to dig around in the forums for possible pictures, but I've learned that after so long the links&uploads are broken so all I have are empty pic threads. Then there's that issue of late where everything is taken into question and I'm guessing nobody really wants to put themselves on the chopping block >.>
I've garnered as much info as I can through the available .pdf files and then there's a couple of pages like the Pituophis page on KS. Text descriptions only go so far T___T
Why? I want to see hatchling/subadult/adult and compare them throughout their growth. I understand that I could probably do this better by acquiring my own and watching them grow (which I've already done, but I can't rush time)
There are so many reasons why I want to do this, but for the most part it's for personal research. I've seen so many adults in photos, but hardly any hatchlings and yearlings. They aren't THAT scarce in personal collections, or are they?
I won't upload the images to any other part of the net and if you've any videos uploaded on to YouTube(growing trend it seems) or any other video-hosting site, I'd totally love to check that out too. As far as I know though, only one YTer in the YTreptile community has a video of their LAPine and it's a kid in Canada who acquired a retired breeder, or something like that.
If there's a nook in the net that I've managed to miss that could provide me with what I'm looking for, I totally don't mind being shoved into the right direction. I tried not to turn this post into a short book, but it seems like I'm failing horribly.
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p. ruthveni help? - Kitt, Thu Aug 12 15:53:48 2010