Posted by:
W von Papineäu
at Tue Aug 17 09:32:01 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by W von Papineäu ]
One of yours I believe? ... {Photo of man-eating "Anaconda" at URL below}
WGGB (Springfield, Massachusetts) 12 August 10 Anaconda found loose in Springfield (Jim Cline) Springfield, Mass: It was an unusual call that came into the Springfield police department Thursday morning. A woman said there was a snake loose in her apartment on East Park. Not just any snake, mind you, but an anaconda, the largest breed of snake in the world. Anaconda's are found in the Amazon river basin. But in Springfield? Fortunately this snake was not the largest. It was about 6 feet long. The woman who made the call says she was watching it for someone else in the building. "I was snake-sitting for a day which turned into more than a day," she said. "Just trying to be a nice neighbor." The snake crawled out of the top of the aquarium, through a hole that was there to let air in. It wasn't a big deal. The Plexiglas on top wasn't strong enough to stop it. And the woman has had snakes before so she says she was going to put it back in the aquarium but, "I touched it to see if I could just put him back in there and no, he hissed. So I said, Oh no, this is not going well." That's when she called the police. Tom Supinski, a licensed exterminator, was called in to remove the snake which was now hiding behind the door. He says it did not appear the snake had been fed in awhile, so it was probably hungry. He also says anacondas belong in their natural setting. Anaconda found loose in Springfield
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MA Press: "Anaconda(??)" found loose - W von Papineäu, Tue Aug 17 09:32:01 2010