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at Thu Dec 2 08:53:12 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by EricWI ]
Keep your hyenas, alligators and cobras out of Chilliwack.
Chilliwack city council introduced new bylaws at its last meeting to close loopholes that might have been open to exotic animal owners in an effort to come into line with provincial legislation, which came into effect April 1.
The city's current wild or exotic animal performance bylaw from 1999 forbids public shows or displays of a variety of listed animals. Part of the problem was that the bylaw did not cover shows that included unlisted animals.
And the city's animal control bylaw from 2007 does not regulate exotic animals at all.
"Council agreed to amend the city's wild and exotic animal bylaw in order to update it, ensure it is similar to other B.C. municipal bylaws and cohesive with the new provincial legislation," Mayor Sharon Gaetz told the Times.
The new bylaw will prohibit the possession of an amended list of exotic animals so that even if no display or show is planned, the animals are not allowed.
Changes to the animal list included deleting "snakes and venomous reptiles" and inserting a ban on "venomous or poisonous reptiles; venomous or poisonous arachnids (scorpions); and snakes, except those designated as wildlife by provincial enactment"
"When the bylaw was first adopted in 1999, it was because council of the day heard from an overwhelming majority of residents that the community has no tolerance for using animals for entertainment purposes," Gaetz said. "The response the city has heard from the community in regards to the new provincial legislation shows that this sentiment remains the same."
Earlier this year, Mike Hopcraft--known as The Reptile Guy--wanted to set up a zoo-like facility in downtown Chilliwack featuring spectacled caiman, scorpions, tarantulas, boa constrictors, pythons and more.
The bylaw in place at that time was enough to stymie his plans to set up shop in the city.
"I am just so frustrated with the City of Chilliwack," he said in March. "Their bylaw says you can't use animals for the amusement or entertainment. I'm not out there for amusement and entertainment, this is an educational presentation. I'm not a circus. I'm not a sideshow."
Hopcraft ran his menagerie out of his home, but provincial laws that came into effect April 1 meant he needed a permit for the animals. Frustrated by Chilliwack's reaction to his desire to move here, he said he was going to set up shop in Abbotsford.
The bylaw given introduction and first reading at the Nov. 15 council meeting also increased licence fees for spayed/neutered dogs from $12 to $15 per year, and increased adoption fees from $150 to $200 per dog to "help offset the costs of providing animal control services in the community."
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- Council tightens exotic animal bylaw - EricWI, Thu Dec 2 08:53:12 2010