Posted by:
at Tue Dec 14 07:37:46 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by natsamjosh ]
We already have a way to limit the power of regulators/gov't - the Constitution. Sadly, it seems passe to talk about the Founding Fathers, but the fact is that they set up an incredible framework with enough checks and balances to prevent the type of nonsense that goes on today. However, many (in all three branches of the gov't) who have sworn to uphold the constitution, don't uphold it. And the unofficial fourth pillar of government (the media/press) is only concerned with pushing agendas as well.
So while I believe your intentions are good, I believe you (and many others) are treating a symptom of a much greater problem. Reptile owners are a very small minority, and the vast majority of the public don't like reptiles, don't care enough to support us, or just don't have the time to devote to this particular cause given we (Americans) have to fight so many battles. I love my snakes, but my livelihood and my family are higher up on the priority list. I have to fight Obamacare (which forced my wife and me to sell our ownership in our medical clinic, which was supposed to be our "American Dream",) I have to fight my local school system since, I have to fight for my right to bear arms, etc., etc., etc. I love reptiles as much as anyone, but I only have so much time/money to devote to it.
Given our minority position, I just don't think we can win by playing the "special interest" game. And do we really want a society where we have to create a "special interest" group for every damn hobby or activity we want to participate in?
I really like this quote:
"The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws." -Ayn Rand
Thanks, Ed
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