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at Thu Dec 16 20:17:53 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by aquick ]
In the words of Benjamin Franklin when asked what kind of government the founders had given us--"A republic, madam; if you can keep it."
The government has grown into what it is because we as a species have a very hard time maintaining true republics. We seem to want to be controlled, to be told what is good to do and what is not, we don't want to take responsibility for our own actions or lives, but rather let the "great protector" (government) take the initiative for us. Republics require active citizens. Let's face it folks--the majority of people in this country would rather let a bunch of rich politicians make all of OUR decisions for us, so long as that means they don't have to pay attention. We are supposed to be a government by the PEOPLE--not the politicians/special interests groups, etc. Do we need rules and laws? Yes. Do we need to have a safety net for people who fall on hard times (for instance, house fire, loss of the primary earner, etc.)? Yes, but with limits on how long one can be helped out with taxpayer money. Do we need the government to protect us from all threats, both foreign and domestic? Yes. Do we need them to tell us what kind of animals we can keep in our homes? No. We, as a people, have a responsibility to remind the government when they are overstepping their bounds. Theoretically, it is the responsibility of the media to alert the people as to when the government is overstepping their bounds. This is why we have a first ammendment. Instead, we choose apathy and the media chooses to side with government, not the people. I don't care where you get your news either--they all favor the government, it's just a matter of which party they favor (CBS and Fox News come to mind immediately).
Looks like at the rate we are going, we will not be able to keep our republic, and who knows what our republic will turn in to.
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