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at Fri Dec 17 11:50:14 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by jscrick ]
I forgot to mention the misuse and abuse of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution with the "Anchor Baby" policy of today. The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution, that of birthright citizenship was only intended for the citizenship of freed slaves born here in America prior to the Civil War, following the Civil War. That amendment has been conveniently misinterpreted by certain factions under the guise of a humanitarian moralistic banner.
Naturalization of the parents becomes a certainty under that humanitarian banner. Do you know how many pregnant foreign national women come here illegally, just to have their children born her? Do you know who pays for that prenatal and delivery, as well as the lifelong educational, nutritional, health and medical needs of those children? You and I do. Do you know who's the benefactor of their labor here? Those that require low wage, unskilled labor, that's who. Those that require people to serve them (i.e. the service industry).
Haven't even gotten to the judicial, criminal, and incarceration costs; as well as victim loss and compensation costs.
It's total hypocrisy in the name of high minded humanitarianism, by those with money to burn and too much time on their hands. Those same ones squawking about Obama raising their taxes too high. They've even convinced those they are screwing to join their bandwagon for some perverse reason that escapes me at the moment.
Poor Dumb America. Land of the Sheeple, where instant gratification and the sound bite rule. Where the use of one's Gray Matter and responsibility for one's self are vanishing commodities.
Got a little off track. Hopefully, you get the idea.
jsc ----- "As hard as I've tried, just can't NOT do this" John Crickmer
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