Posted by:
at Sun Dec 19 19:21:37 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by jscrick ]
Here are my thoughts on an effective strategy to overturn the road ban in Texas:
1) Senior Republican House member and Senior Republican Senate member bill authors/submitters, as well as, as many Republican House and Senate sponsors/co-sponsors as possible.
2) Must also have Senior Republicans as Committee members.
3) Bill to include a very expensive "Road Collecting" Permit. I mean a nominal fee large enough to get lawmaker's attention as a money earner. Probably in line with out of state license fees, or more. Do not charge out-of-staters much additional if anything more, in an effort to attract tourism to Texas.
4) Will need lots of cash for political contributions in the Legislature, a smooth operator/lobbyist with plenty of good access, and some beneficial political work and campaign contributions for the Governor, making sure he is absolutely aware of who it is from and the cause. If you do not have the Governor aware of your cause and supporting it, you might as well forget it. It MUST be placed in HIS agenda to pass.
5) And you must continuously bombard the legislators with the name of the cause. A name could be something like "Reptile Road Ban Reversal, House Bill ####". They must hear it daily.
6) There is a personal strategy when working with legislative assistants, clerks, secretaries, pages, and the like; but I won't get into that here.
That's all pretty expensive. Two people nearly full time.
Maybe a Political Action Committee is in order, as well. Might help to raise awareness and funds.
Just my thoughts.
----- "As hard as I've tried, just can't NOT do this" John Crickmer
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