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RE: On determining Anacondas from Normals

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Posted by: Rextiles at Tue Jun 25 02:57:57 2013   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Rextiles ]  

Thanks Troy, the article you linked was good reading.

You are very welcome. And thanks!

Also the White Wall info was great! That's a proven indicator, good to know.

Well, it's only proven for now...

There is one caveat that I forgot to mention. There are being instances of the "while wall" being bled into from the ventrals (belly) in some Anacondas, I've seen it as well in my collection. This is usually the black coloration that bleeds into the "white wall" but it's always been observed to completely cross over into the dorsal coloration. As long as the bleeding over only occurs from the belly into the "white wall", then the chances are still good it's an Anaconda. But the markers, well, (the only real known) marker (now), is starting to evolve as time goes on and Anacondas are being outcrossed more and more. Maybe some day the "white wall" will no longer be considered a marker either. It will be interesting.

Maybe MtnValleyReptile can provide the info on the mother belly...very cool indeed!

Yeah, it's always nice when additional information is offered, then the rest of us might learn something new.

That would be wild thinking you have a normal and it turns out to be a Conda.

Well, when a lot of people were just focusing on false markers such as no neck patterns and reduced dorsal patterns, they sold everything else that didn't fit into those descriptions, and I know at least a couple of breeders who now believe they were selling Anacondas as Normals. So, I've no doubt some people got some killer deals if they even realize what they ended up getting.

Now everyone is checking belly's, ha!

I'm sure there are still people out there that are unaware of the conclusions that some of us have made, so there still might be quite a few "unknown" Anacondas in collections and being sold as Normals. There's a lot of new people flooding into keeping and breeding hognose which is awesome, but this new wave of breeders is a little disconcerting as most of the people don't even realize that hognose are generally sexually dimorphic, in other words, they can usually be sexed visually. It seems that quite a few of these people are not spending their time researching about hognose and searching through all of these forums to see what several of us have discovered and discussed years ago. It's all there if people are just willing to spend a little time looking.

If the Mother really is a normal like stated that has to be a record clutch.

For 6 eggs? Hm, not really that much of a record. For Westerns, that clutch size is a bit on the smaller size. It's still great odds though, I'm not discounting that. But when you get down to smaller clutches, the ratio can be easily skewed. The average clutch sizes seem to be between 8-12 eggs with many clutches being far larger.

The most I've ever had laid were 22 eggs with 19 being fertile and a 100% hatch rate. That clutch was actually an Anaconda to 100% het Amel pairing. Out of 19 eggs, 12 were Anacondas including that Low Expression Anaconda I gave you the link for. So my average was a little better than the 50% range for a Co-Dominant trait but definitely within range of what was expected. I also hatched out 10 eggs from a het Amel Anaconda to het Amel pairing and only 3 of those Anacondas, a bit below the 50% range and a little disappointing but not unexpected either. It's all just probability at play when it comes to heritable genetics. Punnett Squares might make predictions based on likely probablities, but in the real world, anything is possible.

Troy have you ever had any such clutch's?

Not like that. However, I did get extremely lucky earlier this year when I bred a double het Pink Pastel & Axanthic male to our female Superconda just wanting to produce all Anacondas that would be 50% het for both Pink Pastel and Axanthic genes. We got 6 eggs, the first 4 that hatched were Anacondas as was expected, but then the last two that hatched were Pink Anacondas which was totally unexpected. So, that meant that our Superconda was also 100% het Pink Pastel. According to the Punnett Square, a het to het pairing should yield 1 visual morph out of every 4 eggs. So here I got 2 visuals out of 6, not totally out of line with the probability aspect, but a very nice surprise! So now my 4 Anacondas from that clutch are considered 66% het Pink Pastel and 50% het Axanthic while my Pink Anacondas are also 50% het Axanthic. So now my odds on the het Pink Pastel Anacondas has increased a little bit in my favor from the 50% I was originally expecting.

That's my best success story so far!



Troy Rexroth


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<< Previous Message:  RE: On determining Anacondas from Normals - Austin12, Tue Jun 25 02:00:45 2013