Posted by:
at Mon Oct 13 01:21:39 2003 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by ingo ]
I would not go for the reptarium. Tokays do not like to sit on the mesh. They prefer solid non transparent smooth surfaces to clim,b on. Its cheep to built cages form eg coated chipboard (soorry, I do not know if this is the correct wortd). Just seal all corners thoroughly with silicone and it will withstand the humidity for decades. Heigth (4 ft or taller) is omportant as well as space (65-1200g should be the very least). Transparent walls make them feel unsecure. So either use non transparent walls or add fake backw- and siedewalls. A Waterfall is fine, but nort a must. I always use live plants since these help to keep the humidity and with growing of the plants the tank constantl ychanges, which I think is an additionla thrill. The tokays wonŽt eat any plant and even woŽnt jum pin the more fragile ones. But they will lick water drops from the leaves and hence these should be pesticide free. Any substrate works since tokays hardly go down rto the ground. I use a mixture of bark mulch and potting soil and inoculate this with some forest soil to establish a sdoil Flora nd fauna which helps to degrade left over insec5t parts and feces. DonŽt worry about infections the risk is very low to transmit sth via forest soil. I also add some Zophoba beetles to each tank sionce these do eat tokay feces from bark and branches. With respect to deparasiting, I recommend to first do a fecal and then adapt the medication to the parasites found. Very often Tokays do not need any treatment (If some Coccidia are found, but nort in excess, you do not have to treat) but some weak specimens wonŽt respiond well to pancaur and especially flagyl and any treatment is a risk.
Hope that helps
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