Posted by:
at Wed Oct 15 04:10:46 2003 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by ingo ]
At that age she may be beztween 4 and 8 months of age, depending on the conditions she was raised and on the locality her parents werefrom. Most tokays, especially at that age wonīt take any apple, carrot or similar. Some take a bitof baby food, overripe bananas, grapes and the like. But they wonīt eat mnuch of it and many specimens wonīt eat such things at all. If you can feed teh vitmain tabs of your dog depends on their composition. Better go for a calcium/vitamine dust. For tokays any brand sold for use in herptiles will do, snce their need in vitamines is not very high. Tokays do have a high need in calcium. Hence mix this dust 2to 1 or 3 to 1 with calcium citrate or calcium lactate and offer crushed sepia shells and bird grit.Dust all feeder insects with the vitmaine /mineral mixture. Also its better to increase the variety of food. Amountwise you may offer much, since tokays can definitely not be overfed. Commercially available are Tebo worms, silk worms, superworms, meal worms, several cricket species, locusts, several roach species etc. You may feed all this, choosing imagines or larvae of apt size for your animal (not much bigger than the headwith of the tokay) If you have access to a pesticide free area, you can feed field plancton to the small tokay and bigger insects to the adult(s). WC Insects you may try are grasshoppers, big Flies, Wasps., mantises and non hairy caterpillars collected from non poisonous plants. Also spiders are obviously a very tasty food. Donīt be afraid to transmit parasites via wild cought food. The risk is close to zero. I never had such a case in >30 years of feeding wild cought bugs. Be careful with ladybugs, fireflies and cantharides-these may be toxic to your gecko.
Hope that helps
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