Posted by:
at Tue Jan 6 19:57:54 2004 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Cathy ]
Congratulations! If your tiger has as much personality as Jaws, you are in for a treat. I'm glad you are getting a bigger terrarium for him; 5 gallons is too small. I have found that the dish from a single-serve Stouffers frozen lasagna is a perfect size to slide down in one end for water, and just the right depth. (No, I don't get paid to do Stouffers commercials, I just never cook!!!) Of all the mixtures I have tried, Jaws seems to like Bed A Beast the best. I just dump the block in a bucket of water and a few hours later, it's soft and mixes up. Seems to hold moisture for a good long time. I wouldn't worry about him not using his hide a lot. It's there if he wants it. Jaws sometimes goes under his water dish, but seldom uses the half-log I bought him. Except to climb up on and snap at me. I'd drop way back on the food. Even every other day, 4-6 crickets seems excessive. Much to Jaws' regret, I have never fed him that much. Maybe two every other day. I also agree that worms are better. If you get the big earthworms, you may have to cut them up. A side effect of being a little hungry is he may learn more quickly to take food from your hand. If you want him to, that is. Jaws readily takes food. As you could see from the photo, he's as ready to take the finger, too! So maybe I shouldn't have started that little trick. In the summer, if you don't have a.c., then the frozen bottles of water would be the best way to keep the temps down. And of course, having his soak dish will help, too. Have you named him?
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- First Amph - Bloodoak, Sun Jan 4 19:27:07 2004
- RE: First Amph - Bloodoak, Sun Jan 4 19:30:34 2004
- RE: First Amph - Cathy, Tue Jan 6 19:57:54 2004