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I'll bite.

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Posted by: tj at Wed Jun 11 16:43:09 2003   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by tj ]  

The reason you most likely didn't get as many responses as would would have liked, is probably because

A). You asked the question AFTER purchasing the snake, proving you obviously didn't do much research. Most of the people that would respond probably wouldn't have responded with any good advice, except do the research before you buy. So by not responding, there was probably some forum space that was saved, instead of flaming you for being irresponsible.

B). You asked a question that could have been answered with a simple Google search.

C). You asked a question that could have been answered by doing
an archive search.

D). You asked a question in a forum that doesn't have that much traffic, I didn't see your post on the venomous forum. I would think that this question gets skipped over alot also, simply because it's been asked quite a few times.

E). Your grammar and punctuation isn't quite up to par for someone who has just taken on the responsibility of keeping potentially dangerous animals. You might not think that matters, but it does to some.

Now you have an attitude because you didn't get as many responses as you would have liked. Bottom line, if you had done the research (which you didn't, simply for the fact that copperhead info is everywhere), then you wouldn't be as p!ssed as you are. This is the kind of crap that gives the HSUS and the Government the ammo to take away our rights as RESPONSIBLE hot keepers. I just hope you live in a state that has no venomous snake laws, cuz I'm pretty sure if you live in state where you need a permit ,you didn't take the time to get one.


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>> Next topic:  Trimeresurus taxonomy and distribution - boehmei, Sat Jun 14 07:18:46 2003
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