Posted by:
at Tue Jun 17 09:12:20 2003 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by EX-731 ]
Your spelling and grammar isn't up to par? Man, that’s really shallow. (My spelling and grammar won't be up to par either, just to let you know. I have dyslexia. ) Anyway, one thing that bugs me. Yeah the guy made a rash buy, sure, but he's still got the snake, and if he gets bite, won't that make it a PR nightmare for your hobby? (As you pointed out?)
Would it not be in your best interest to try and work with the guy and teach him, instead of pissing him off, so he doesn’t ask for help, and is sure to get bite? I would think a guy so worried about losing his so called "rights" to own hot herpes would be first in line to help. I mean, come on, you pointed out how rash and stupid it was to buy the snake without doing the proper research. (It is rash I agree) How it's obvious he's of lesser intelligence because he can't spell or forgets to use a comma...(...) And how's he's going to get your rights taken away when he gets bite... and yet what do you do? Nothing.
Hey, all I can say is, at least the guy asked for help, even if it’s after the fact. At least that shows me he cares about doing things right. Yeah, maybe the question gets asked a lot, but would it not be in YOUR best interest to answer it, no matter how often it’s asked, to insure people who will probably get the snake ANYWAY at least have some good information to go by? But instead, you leave them to their own machinations and when they get bite, and laws get past you whine and moan and cry. Remember, next time you see a report of someone losing a finger, arm, or their life to a snake bite, that guy COULD have possible asked for help from this forum, and YOU could have prevented it, but didn’t because it was a to common question, the guy sound to rash or impulsive, and best of all, he had bad grammar and wasn’t worth your time.
Ok I’m off my soapbox now. Later. 
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