Posted by:
at Thu May 20 07:20:40 2004 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by nechushtan ]
You said: "As someone who has been in the business for over 30 years and 28 of those extracting venom I have seen the effects of self injection most were not good only a few have lived long doing it." What effects have you seen and can inferences be made about the negative cause and effect any more than the positive without further research? As far as I know scientifically it's all anecdotal at this point (no double-blind studies with strict protocals, etc.) I understand some of the potential dangers but I've also seen research that shows some pretty amazing things from venom and know of at least two people who are currently alive and very functional after more than 20 years of self-innoculation... Again, I'm not claiming that it is in any way representative of a "normal" reaction to the venom but if something is going on for a few individuals that MAY be prolonging life, inhibiting disease, and assisting in any number of health functions it would seem to me that dismissing it as "negatives outweigh the positives" without controlled study may ultimately keep us from saving lives that may benefit from venom or its derivitives. That being said I agree that no one should be encouraged to risk their lives for science (especially kids) and people that choose this course should ultimatly be made aware of the very real risks and also the futility of doing it without above mentioned scientific protocals. The sharing of the information, however, even by those who don't do it in a lab or by those who witness results, may be invaluable to someone down the road and with that in mind I ask you again... Could you elaborate on the above statement?. ----- Amor et Lux, Ron
"The gods tolerate the human race for no other reason than our talent for bullsh1t. It's the only thing about us that doesn't bore them to tears" Tom Robbins "Villa Incognito"
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