Posted by:
at Wed Jul 2 15:52:29 2003 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Raven01 ]
in my area (central Virginia), I would say that most are sold when they reach 9-12 feet (at least, that's what most of the ads read). Personally, I find it disgusting that so many people buy these magnificent animals as novelty pets. They're so 'nifty' to own, shock friends and family, etc. etc. etc. I own an albino burmese (August '02 hatchling) that my Mom bought in October of last year. My Mom fell in love with her on sight. After going over the whole size, what she'll eventually eat, and who she'll stay with thing, Mom bought her and I took her home (good deal as far as I'm concerned lol). This is a pic of her.
Prior to owning her, I had a male normal phase burmese that I'd gotten as a rescue some years ago from a coworker. He was going to be kicked out by his roommate because of the snake (or so he said *shrug*), so I agree to take it until I could find it a home. That was the worst tempered creature I have ever Sybil on acid. One moment he was fine, the next he was hanging off the nearest body part. Thank God he was only about 5 feet long at the time. He tamed down somewhat with some work, though not nearly dog-tame by any stretch of the imagination. I eventually found him a home with someone who really wanted a burm and was willing to dedicate the time to him that he needed.
Last year my other half & I drove a friend down to North Carolina to pick up an unwanted 12' burm and her cage. The guy just didn't want to take care of her anymore, said he didn't have anyone to help him with the big girl. The cage was in a garage, was absolutely filthy with dried urates, old sheds and soiled pine shavings. Her water bowl was one of the large rock-shaped dishes (about the right size for a corn snake). She luckily hadn't developed scale rot, but the scales all along her belly were yellowed from the urine and splitting. We got her home, gave her a bath because she reeked, dismantled and cleaned her cage, and then set her up in a nice cleaned cage and fresh substrate. A couple of sheds later you couldn't tell she'd ever looked rough at all. She's an absolute doll, the sweetest tempered burm I've ever seen.
I see ads in the local paper for burms all the time (at least a couple per month on average) and wish I had the room for them. Almost every ad claims they're moving, can no longer take care of it, etc. Unfortunately, it isn't just the burms but boas and other snakes as well. It seems that people see the 'cute' snake at the pet store and just have to have it. Compound that with the misinformation that many petstores provide and the situation is ripe for unwanted animals. Grrr. Okay, off my soapbox. Can you tell this subject riles me up just a bit? lol
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