Posted by:
at Fri Jul 4 21:17:07 2003 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by BrianSmith ]
It's near impossible to "diagnose" something from a couple of typed sentences. But from the word "Gurgle" (he said "gargle" but I took this as "Gurgle" That tells me RI! And besides,.. my advice to maintain at 90 degrees and very high humidity is how they are supposed to be kept anyway,.. so no harm, no foul,. you know?
But just so everyone understands the importance of high humidity,... I theorize,.. and a few very knowledgeable "friends" of mine have very similar theories,... that the lung tissue of a tropical species, be they boas, pythons, or whatnot, have evolved to require high humidity levels to remain moist..... and that when they are kept in a very arid region of the world their lung tissue dries and possibly cracks, creating fissures whereby infectious agents, (bacterial, viral) may make entry into their systems and cause serious infection. However, in high humidity environments the lung tissue should remain moist and pliable and more resistant to these very same agents or contaminants. Face it, bacteria is everywhere, but whether it can have a foothold in our snakes may be entirely up to us.
Maybe my "friends" will throw in their thoughts on this as well and we'll have more data to work with to try to establish a precident.
>>Sorry bout that swara. Thanks brian. ----- It isn't "Ideas" that fail or succeed,... it is the "Sytstems" which are instilled to launch and sustain the idea that either fail or succeed.>
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