Posted by:
at Sun Jan 30 02:45:44 2005 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by nevermore ]
Hey Katt,
Welcome to Indigodom! I like that name, Enigma. She’s a good looking snake two. I’m a relatively new owner too, I picked up Lenore (my 6 month old girl) about five months ago.
It’s a rush, isn’t it? I’m at school as well and can’t keep very many animals. So I decided to go for the one snake that I’d read and dreamt about, but never figured I’d be able to get. It was worth it. She’s the only snake (or animal for that matter) I currently keep – but I can’t imagine any other single snake being as satisfying.
I like the blacker indigos as well, and went for the blackest of what was available to me. In fact, Enigma looks almost EXACTLY like Lenore. She has that same bit of white running down behind the jaw to the throat, and the slightly lighter color around the mouth and snout. In fact, I think the biggest difference between a picture of Lenore and a picture of Enigma is that the hand holding Lenore does not own a wrist watch
As others said, this is a good forum for info. The same nervous part of your mind that is worried about your precious dry being too hot or cold is the same thing that creates a very knowledgeable and dedicated group of folk on the forum.
But don’t be too, too nervous. As long as you know the specifics of Indigo care, I don’t think they are a particularly challenging species to keep (aside from getting hatchlings to eat). Lenore’s been very easy to keep, to the point that I feel guilty – like there should be SOMETHING else I should be doing…even though I’ve taken more careful care of her than any other pet I’ve owned.
As for the tail rattling and defensive reactions, those should disappear with some handling. However, you might be right in worrying about stressing her before she starts eating for you. I’d limit handling until she’s eating. After that, eating will likely not be a problem. Lenore will ALWAYS eat (except right before a shed). She’ll eat right after a cage cleaning or handling session. She even ate within five minutes of a four hour car drive when I went home for Christmas.
Good luck and keep up posted.
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