Posted by:
at Fri Feb 11 22:24:11 2005 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by undfun ]
Absolutely no one in the Illinois legislature cares 2 hoots about the opinion of anyone not in their district.
I think everyone who is interested in exotic pets will be much more effective by reining in the abuses in the exotic pet industry than they will be sending email to legislators in states other than their own.
It amazes me that people trying to protect their privelege (not right) to collect, keep, breed and sell exotic pets seem to focus their energy reactively on bills already introduced.
It would be much more effective to get herp and exotic pet societies together, introduced to the state legislatures and pro-actively curtailing the many abuses in the industry, including unrestricted collecting from the wild, freedom to keep dangerous herps, etc.
The fact of the matter is, that many of the exotic animal keepers that aare introduced to the public are trailer trash drunks who make the papers because they got drunk and bit by their taipan, or left the lid off their burmese python's cage. Railing at legislators and not pro-actively dealing with the losers in this industry is just pissing in the wind.
I'm getting rather tired of it.
Maybe praying would help...
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